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Writer's pictureKhristine

Limited Beliefs & Subconscious Programing

Updated: Aug 29, 2022

Are you familiar with the terms in the title above? If you could figure out why you can't change your behavior and why you're "stuck", wouldn't you want to? OF COURSE YOU WOULD! Yet, there is something that is stopping you and you're not even aware of it. It's a narrative that runs in the background on auto-pilot. These are "limited" beliefs and subconscious programing. What are limited beliefs? It is a state of mind or belief about yourself that restricts you in some way. They limit you from your full potential! What is Subconscious Programing? It is formed from experiences and/or events that led you to think and believe XYZ about yourself. From the ages of 0-7 we adopt, what we believe to be truths about ourselves. Why? Fear. At the time it was safer, instead of rebelling against whoever or whatever it was. Now, as adults, it's our job to take our power back by understanding that we created or adopted such beliefs in order to serve a purpose; to protect us. AND that they no longer serve us in adulthood, but instead, hinder us.

When we agree with our limiting beliefs, instead of of consciously disagreeing with them, it perpetuates a cycle of inner conflict. When we resent ourselves, it creates self-hate.

How many times have you stopped something before you even began? What is the inner voice in your head saying to you? Is it even your voice? Listen. We must take the time to figure out what our limited beliefs & programing are, so we can quit the behavioral patterns that hold us back! You get to be the authority in your own life! =) I recommend working with a licensed therapist.

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